Friday, 28 September 2012

R S V P papier in Mitte

I was saving my favourite shop in Berlin until last. RSVP is like nothing I have ever seen before. As you can see it is a very simple design and the shelves are quite special. I never seen so many notebooks and envelopes in such neat little piles.
I also loved how my cards were displayed out of the cello bags so customers can touch and feel the quality of the card they are buying. Each papergood is thought about and treated like a very exclusive item that you must have. Even the little window display is really carefully put together. It taught me what you can do with a small space and some clever shelves.
I am very proud to be in such a wonderful shop. It has also made me see that there is nothing like this in the UK. Sure, there are concept stores that have a bit of stationery but nothing as focused as this. There is a real niche and I intend to fill it.

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