Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Berlin Stockists

hi folks! How's your week going?
Thought I would post some more of the goings on in Germany. This is such a huge part of my business now that I feel it is important to report on all the news that Germany has to offer. My distributor Clemens has passed all expectations and I am quite overwhelmed by the positive response. Dusmann is a huge shop in Berlin and is quite similar to our Boarders that sadly didn't survive the tough financial times. Dusmann are a regular stockist for us. We also have alot of little boutiques in East Berlin and I was lucky enough to visit one. Schwester Herz is a lovely little shop with a huge range of stationery. When we were there I met the buyer and watched Clemens work his magic taking an order for Christmas cards. He is very good at making appointments with his customers and travels all over Germany to meet buyers. I should take a leaf out of his book and try this for myself.
Just by chance I also saw my Hare gift wrap in Urban Outfitters. I had no idea it was in Germany. It was great to see (even with them leaping upside down)

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